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Take the ultimate placement test for Greek. With InstaLevel.

We could start by asking “is it all Greek to you?”. However, we are not fans of clichés. So, we’re cutting right through the chase: Those of you who chose to learn the language that significantly influenced Western literature, languages, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy, good choice!
greek character

Prove your Greek is Good. Really Good!

Prove your Greek is Good. Really Good!

Let the testing begin!
greek character
After a tough decade, the Greek economy is showing promising signs of growth.

There are tons of opportunities in different industries, in which written and oral communication skills are of great importance: education (obviously!), front-line staff, communication, hospitality, media and marketing professionals. Verifying your Greek language level can help you seize new opportunities in an economy that is slowly, but steadily picking up its pace.

What’s InstaLevel got to do with it? Everything!

It is the ultimate Greek placement test you can easily perform online.
Our dynamic algorithm is built to accurately assess, not only your overall proficiency level in Greek, but also each of the following individual competencies: grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and listening.
It has been designed in accordance with the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the requirements of the most reputable certificates in Greek.
Levels of Placement based on the CEFR
  • 1. Beginner (A1)
  • 2. Elementary (A2)
  • 3. Intermediate (B1)
  • 4. Upper Intermediate (B2)
  • 5. Advanced (C1)
  • 6. Proficient (C2)

Prove your Greek is Good. Really Good!

What you’ll need

Tablet, smartphone or PC

Internet Connection


Noise-free environment
